Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Welcome to His Grace Amazing!


Never one to admit that I would "never" enter the blogosphere, well...looks like I've done it.

So, what do I hope to accomplish through this? Perhaps just a place to share with others this amazing sojourn I'm on with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. OK, I admit...not enough blog space to capture what that means. But, to His glory, isn't that amazing -- that nothing I could say or do could fully do Him glory? Yes, I believe, His grace is truly amazing!!

Not sure how often or how much I'll be here. Not sure how much effort I'll put into the look or the style. Keeping it simple keeps it less complicated.

But I do know that I pray others will check in -- both from recommendations to those I know and from others I do not. One thing you can do if you visit this blog: go ahead and give me an example of where you see God's grace in your life this very day.

If you are a fellow believer in the Lord, great. If you do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ, tell me why that is -- what's keeping you from developing such a relationship?

No flame outs, no war of words here. Won't happen. Grace, mercy, compassionate sharing, and truth -- that's all I have to offer to His glory.

That's all for now! May His grace and peace be with you!


Much Afraid said...

JM so glad to see you blogging. Did you know Kevin has one? cpjourney.blogspot. We are moving Friday.
God has supplied the finances to get us into this house and such so now we are going. God is so faithful and I must admit living this way is better than before even though we never have any money, we are looking for God to supply and its awesome!!
I will still have the same email and phone number.
I am subscribing to your blog so GET BUSY writing!!!
Love ya

Anonymous said...

Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!!!!!!! I'm all for Vontwizzle Blog Express!!!!!!!

Curtis said...

So many people today carry hurt and insecurity because they didn’t have a relationship with their earthly father the way God intended. But no matter how you were raised or where you are in life today, you do have a wonderful Father, and you were born with a purpose and a destiny. God promises to meet all your needs, and He is the Father to the fatherless.

Every morning when you get up, look up toward the heavens and just imagine that your Heavenly Father is smiling down on you. He loves you. He believes in you. He will guide and protect you. He will never leave you. You are His most prized possession. He has you in the palm of His hand. As you open your heart and allow Him to heal you with His love, He’ll meet every need that you have. Choose forgiveness and allow Him to strengthen and empower you to fulfill the wonderful destiny He has in store for you!

