Friday, May 16, 2014

Reminding My Heart

Undoubtedly you've heard the phrase:

"What's your gut reaction?"

As I continue on my masculine journey, I am privileged to be a part of the revolution that God has called men to from across the globe...all started when John Eldredge wrote Wild at Heart (2001, Thomas Nelson, Inc.).

He also wrote a companion workbook to it called The Wild at Heart Field Manual - which is, as he describes it "like getting two years of therapy for about ten bucks." 

I know I got my copy back in 2009, the year after I first discovered and read his book. I've been working my way through this incredible tool ever since. It's starting to fall apart in some places from use - and it's detailed with various highlighter shades, notes, drawings, pictures pasted in...and, most of all, the deep truth of a man whose heart has been rescued and set free by God.

In the first chapter of the Field Manual, one of the first things Eldredge asks of a man is:

"You've read the first chapter of Wild at Heart - now give me a gut reaction. What struck you? What stirred you, got your blood going?" (p. 6)

Here is what I wrote:
  • It made me feel things I'd forgotten about myself as a man.
  • I've been looking for my heart all my life!
  • What's my destiny?
  • I long for an invitation to be the man I long to be: courageous, bold, romantic!!
  • I am a warrior, lover, sage, and king!
  • Why do I search in me - and other men - for authentic masculinity?
  • I've failed many tests...but still believe I have what it takes!
  • Wild - Strong - Valiant...waiting to be set free by God?!
I'm in no rush to finish the Field Manual as I continue to walk in the freedom I've been called up into and fought hard to win with God leading the charge. And it's good to check back in on my gut reaction to know that I am finding the deep, true answers to the questions above...and the ones that come from living in the wild territory of a free heart.

For more information on John Eldredge and Ransomed Heart Ministries - along with a treasure trove of books, CD's, DVD's and other resources - please visit

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